How to Validate a Hypothesis: A Case Study in the Washing Machine Market

By March 5, 2020 November 2nd, 2023 WHITE PAPERS

I was tasked to conduct user research and analyze a project based on a real proposal from a start-up group within a large international corporation.

The Assumed Problem: Urban-dwellers find the process of doing laundry cumbersome and time-consuming when they do not have laundry machines in the home (either using a shared building facility or a laundromat). They want to have laundry easily accessible in the home, but either do not have the space, hook-up ability, the financial means, and/or landlord approval to install their own washer/dryer in home.

The Company’s Proposed Solution:  A new version of a small dual washer/dryer combo that hooks up to the sink faucet for a water source, rather than needing any special hook-up into pipes or electrical wiring. Similar products exist currently, but we’d be looking to build an optimized version.

My Research Objective: Responsible for validating that the customer problem exists, validating the size of the customer target is worthy of a solution, and validate that the solution concept (or prototype) would solve for the customer problem. 

Photo Credits: Unsplash

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